Our team is powered by a simple mantra: make a difference. Whether it be keeping people connected with our services or volunteering with a local charity, #LifeAtATT is about having a positive impact on our communities.
Meet two AT&T team members who share a passion for community and find out what volunteering means to them:
Jonathan Oglen
Field Service Manager – AT&T Mobility Services
Volunteering means more to me than words could ever express. Being able to give back and help others is dear to my heart! I understood at an early age to remain humble no matter what and to always be conscious of those less fortunate. Growing up in Alabama and seeing many individuals who didn’t have much; I made a promise to myself to help others whenever I had the opportunity and resources.
Some recent volunteer projects I’ve assisted with include the Digital Literacy Workshop, where I helped families build cybersecurity skills, and the Connected Learning Opportunity, which assisted Compudopt Houston with preparing computers for under-resourced children in the community. I also assisted the AT&T Pioneers with their annual Easter Basket Event. It was great to see how handing out baskets could brighten up someone’s day.
My favorite opportunity so far has been the AT&T Disaster Recovery home build event. I assisted the SBP and AmeriCorps with rebuilding a home in the community that was impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Sanding, painting, hanging insulation, and texturing: we did it all. I took great pride and pleasure in knowing I was helping provide a home for someone.
AT&T has encouraged my community work by giving me an avenue. I’ve met so many people with the same mindset and determination to serve through our Employee Groups and their events. It’s great to know that AT&T wants to help those in need and encourages employees to play a part in doing so.
Throughout my career, all of the things I have been passionate about doing have been in complete alignment with AT&T’s values. At home, it means a lot to set a positive example for my children through volunteering. They see me giving my time and effort and understand the importance of having a positive impact on the community.
Debra Hallum
Area Manager Network Services – SW AT&T Field Operations
I was raised in a really small town that was mainly a farming community. That is where my desire to help others started. If someone needed help with their harvest, the neighbors would show up with their equipment and ensure the farmer made his profits to live on the rest of the year. My mom was always making food and volunteering to help local families. They gave vegetables from our large garden to help others. My dad and brothers volunteered for the fire department. My dad and the men in our community would spend weekends helping the elderly with home repairs. These role models instilled in me gratefulness and a willingness to put myself aside to help others.
I really enjoy all the volunteer events that AT&T and our Employee Groups work on. I enjoy spending time with my co-workers when we work on projects. I have long friendships because of time spent volunteering together.

Debra driving our Toys for Tots donation truck
Some of the volunteer events near and dear to me are focused on cancer research because I lost my Mom to cancer. Childrens’ charities are important to me because I love children. I help with toy drives and wrapping presents. Assembling boxes of food at the Central Texas Foodbank in Austin is always so much fun and so rewarding. We listen to music and visit with each other as we work. It doesn’t feel like work at all.
My family loves being outdoors so we are motivated to help keep Austin clean. We get to walk outside and volunteer for city clean-up projects as a family. There are several bike rides to raise money for diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis. I volunteer each year at the bike ride to help them continue their research and assist those with MS. I am grateful for the opportunity to help them raise much needed funds.
Volunteering allows me to express my gratitude and show genuine caring for the people in my community. If I can volunteer and help someone have a better day then count me in. Our best life is all about how we live it. Volunteering is a big part of my best life and I hope others will find something that is close to their hearts so they can share this experience too.
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