
Posts By Ericca Whitley

Latest Posts | By Ericca Whitley
When Disaster Strikes, AT&T Veterans Return to Duty
2 years ago

When Disaster Strikes, AT&T Veterans Return to Duty

Members of the AT&T Veterans employee group put boots on the ground during our Hurricane Ian disaster relief efforts.


In 1983, the AT&T Veterans …
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Four of the Scariest Words: You Have Breast Cancer
2 years ago

Four of the Scariest Words: You Have Breast Cancer

For 1 in 8 women in the United States (statistic from National Breast Cancer Foundation) those four words will change their lives forever. It’s the love and support of those around …
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I Applied: What Comes Next?
2 years ago

I Applied: What Comes Next?

So, you submitted the application and are excited to hear back. What should you do now?

While perfecting your resume is the first step, what to do after that can …
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EDGE Interns Reflect on their Summer Experience
2 years ago

EDGE Interns Reflect on their Summer Experience

All summer long we followed two interns over the course of their program on social media. They gave us glimpses into their daily lives and showed off one-of-a-kind experiences. While …
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