James in a suit with a red tieThe business world is very different from what most young professionals experience in the classroom. Textbook hypotheticals become real-world problems to solve – sometimes on an intimidating scale.

We make first career steps easier with our internships and development programs. Financial Analyst James Daugherty is entering his first post-grad role as a member of our Finance Development Program (FDP) with two summer internships under his belt.

“It’s nice to have a smooth, steady transition into the corporate world,” James said. “The FDP leaders don’t expect you to know everything. They want to teach you and help you develop professionally.”

An Internship with EDGE

Before joining FDP, James got his first taste of life at AT&T was as an EDGE intern in Summer 2021. The EDGE program has college students go hands-on in all areas of business. With an emphasis on mentorship and networking, program participants become a full part of the team and make a real impact with their work.

That summer, James was a part of our Technology Services team doing cost allocation and even some real estate. He assisted with the finances of a big company re-organization going on at the time. He would monitor the cost allocation process and look at totals coming into and out of the company and look for ways to improve the process.

“I really enjoyed the real estate portion because it was unlike anything I’d done before. It was a lot of fun, reviewing leases for buildings and making the case for renewals or moving based on the company’s needs,” he said.

Another highlight of the EDGE program was the networking events with fellow interns from across the company. “You didn’t always see the other interns, so it was great to hang out and network at these events. We got to build our own little community.”

A Second Summer with AT&T

Following the success of his first internship, James knew AT&T was the perfect place to continue his growth. “The experience I had in my first internship told me everything I needed to know about the company,” he said.

For his second EDGE internship, James became a member of our Controller Organization. His big project this time was developing a headcount system with a program called PowerBI. The tool he created would allow managers to see all AT&T employees, their geographical locations and the organization they are a part of. With James’ application, managers could more easily track who was coming and going from organization to organization and make the transitions smoother.

“I had never even heard of PowerBI before my first internship,” James said. “Now, I’m very well versed in it.”

Going Full-Time with FDP

After graduating this past year, James took the next step and joined FDP where he is continuing to build on the projects he started with EDGE. “The big project I’m working on right now is a payroll dashboard. The cool thing is I’m working for the same VP who ran the headcount project and she asked for me specifically.”

The Finance Development Program is based on rotations over a year-long period. In that year, participants spend a few months with one business unit before rotating to another. When the program ends, participants typically continue working with one of the organizations they rotated with. For James, the variety is exciting.

“I’m not sure where I want to be just yet because I still have much to learn,” he said. “The great thing about AT&T is you can move around every few years if you want. I’m looking forward to experiencing new things.”

“No matter what you do at AT&T, you’re not going to have a bad experience. Corporate life can scare people away, but life at AT&T is just so different. You learn so much and make so many great connections here.”

Learn more about FDP