There’s a common belief that graduating in December might create a tricky scenario for your job search. Smaller class sizes equal fewer job openings? Not so fast, just ask Global Business Development Consultant, Taylor Coles.
“I don’t see being a December grad as being any different from graduating in the spring or summer,” said Taylor, who graduated in December 2020. Her approach to job hunting was not affected by the timing. Her advice: be proactive, put in the effort and an opportunity will present itself. That opportunity came in the form of our B2B Sales Development Program.
Doing Real Work
The B2B Sales Development Program is for recent grads looking for hands-on experience in the business world. While working full-time, participants collaborate with mentors to learn the ropes of a sales career. What’s great for December grads is that the program runs year-round. Even if you graduate in an “off month,” you won’t have to worry about missing an opportunity thanks to the program’s multiple start dates.
“I liked that AT&T had a sales program specifically designed for those with little to no experience,” she said. The chance to work closely with – and learn from – leaders in the field is a special experience the program offers. “I understood how much AT&T is investing in a program like this, and it spoke to their commitment to development.”
Taylor’s classmates came from across the country; their skills and education as varied as the towns they called home. Taylor herself was not a business major in school, focusing on arts and marketing, but she knew that she wanted a career in sales.
Quintessential sales skills come from two places: the classroom and hands-on training. While part of the day is spent learning about the company, the products and the culture, the other part of the day is committed to selling. Participants in the sales program send emails and make calls to real prospective clients. When they close a deal, that’s real too.
A Learning Community
Taylor started the program in January 2021 and thought “it was awesome graduating and going immediately into a role. Having other recent graduates around, doing the same thing, made me feel more comfortable.” This communal environment is what stuck out to Taylor. “Everyone is very open; willing to help and willing to share,” she says. “I met some of my closest friends in the program.”
This tight-knit group was essential to her success in the Development Program. Taylor found the group dynamic made it easier to connect with people, collaborate and learn something new each day. These bonds went beyond the completion of the program and have been a key part to building her #LifeAtATT.
When her term ended, Taylor was offered a position in our Dallas HQ on the Global Business team. The friends she made from the program? Some of them moved to Dallas, too. Others were offered exciting roles in offices across the country. No matter where everyone landed, the sense of community continued into the next phase of her career.
Get Started in Sales
A sales career takes more than business knowledge and a strong community. It takes perseverance to succeed. “It can get difficult at times,” she said. “I have learned that persistence pays off. Just keep showing up and something will happen.”
Knowledge, community and persistence are just as important to a recent graduate. As you look into making your next move, keep this advice in mind…
- It’s never too early to start applying. If you’re ready, you don’t need to wait until your graduation date.
- Use your network. Taylor learned about the Development Program through a friend.
- Keep an open mind. People from a wide variety of backgrounds have found their future in sales.
Whether you have dreamed of sales from day one or are looking for a challenge to kickstart your career, The B2B Sales Development Program has sessions all year long. Don’t let anything hold you back.
Learn more about the B2B Sales Development Program