Our 2023 Women’s Career Chat was one for the books. Over 100 women and allies across the business world shared their advice and experiences. The conversation topics ranged from creating balance between professional and personal life to shaping a career in historically male-dominated fields.
Check out these highlights from the chat!
We asked: what are your go-to methods for balancing work purpose and personal purpose?
Everything I do personally and personally aligns with my purpose, so they are very much blended. Time management and setting boundaries are essential. I always carry a planner to manage my schedule and I’ve learned the power of saying “No” #WomensCareerChat https://t.co/GHcZsxnEAK
— Cassandra R Johnson, MBA, CPC, ELI-MP (@destined2bgrt) March 15, 2023
Balance comes from planning! I am able to really lean into work when I have a trip planned with family and friends to look forward to & I’m able to relax when I’m away from work when I’ve planned ahead and made sure my team has everything they need to be successful while I’m out. https://t.co/qSCC8ncCz6
— Sarita Rao (@saritasayso) March 15, 2023
Two words: Show Up ??Whether it’s at work or at home, it’s important to me that I show up for my team, family, or friends. It’s easy to balance the two when I focus on showing up full force. #WomensCareerChat @LifeAtATT https://t.co/vGd82SWKgk
— Kaylah✨ (@KJTakesDallas) March 15, 2023
We asked: can you share an essential piece of advice for women who are kicking off their careers?
Be purposeful about who you connect with – it’s never too early to start building a strong network. This is a great resource to get started: https://t.co/7uYPtWvpuK by @TacyByham @ddiworld #WomensCareerChat https://t.co/TLAm8uSmhC
— Stephanie Neal (@StephanieJNeal) March 15, 2023
Be strong and stay the course but keep yourself open to new possibilities. I experienced the most growth through change and realized, I opened more doors by accepting new challenges. #WomensCareerChat #LifeAtATT https://t.co/Gny64YIomY
— April Ramos (@NTX_AprilR) March 15, 2023
Focus on three pillars: 1) Go All In – Do your job well and learn from others. 2) Be Optimistic – Show up and chip in with a positive attitude. And 3) Build Relationships – Create your “home team” and “advisory board.” #WomensCareerChat https://t.co/5RqbCqNJkL
— Stacey Marx (@StaceyAMarx) March 15, 2023
We asked: what insights do you have for women working in historically male-dominated fields?
Do it. Do it bold. Do it your way. Don’t EVER accept no, if it is a clear yes in your soul. Keep going, no matter what. Don’t shirk the responsibility you have as one of the first or only women.Our daughters & granddaughters are watching. Your success matters. #WomensCareerChat https://t.co/fRfC31e43W
— Women Who WOW! (@MichellePippin) March 15, 2023
I used to be in the Marines. I always reminded them we enlisted for the same reasons, and I could provide a perspective no one else could. Find your incompetent competency (unique value) and don’t be afraid to use your voice. #WomensCareerChat #LifeAtATT https://t.co/iEEE6IDkan pic.twitter.com/8bBKDDU9Ma
— JoHanna Martinez (@jmartinez1226) March 15, 2023
Don’t let the boys club mentality leave you on the sidelines. Remember you bring a different viewpoint that is needed at the table. Be knowledgeable and volunteer to lead projects to raise your visibility. Also male coworkers can be great Allies too! I know I have many. https://t.co/YV8FO6coaP
— Alisha Dituri (@AlishaDituri) March 15, 2023
We asked: what advice do you have for others trying to make a leap in their career?
Find a career that you love! I am always asked “Why stay w/AT&T?” It is simple, there are so many opportunities from Sales-Finance that you can learn & grow. I went from selling at events to being a Project Manager for the Region. #Mentorship #Sponsors https://t.co/30bW0ITVjg
— Charlene M Luna (@CharleneLuna13) March 15, 2023
Jump! Don’t overthink it. We often get in our own heads and talk ourselves out of amazing opportunities. Many of which, don’t come back around. My greatest success has come from roles I was afraid to initially take. At the end of the day let their be no regrets! #WomensCareerChat https://t.co/1FSjzCxaoJ
— Jaron Felder (@MrsJaronfelder) March 15, 2023
Do your research, create a plan, and take a risk. You win or you learn, but you can’t lose. The experience you gain will help guide you to bigger things. #WomensCareerChat #LifeAtATT https://t.co/IvU6IuKbvc
— The Muse (@TheMuse) March 15, 2023
Feeling inspired?
Take part in this year’s #WomensCareerChat happening Wednesday, March 13th on Twitter and LinkedIn.
We hope to see you there!
Learn more and RSVP