The first day at a new job is like the first day of school. It can be exciting, but it can also be a little intimidating. It’s perfectly natural feeling – even if it’s a new role with your current company. When preparing for that first day, it’s always good to get a head start.
The night before…
Organize your wardrobe, lunch, and work devices. Deciding what to wear on your first day is important. You’ll want to wear something that you feel confident and comfortable wearing. Make sure you know the company’s dress code policy. If it’s business casual, it’s best to wear slacks and a blazer on day one, not jeans. Don’t forget lunch! If you’re not planning to bring your own, scout things out ahead of time to see what your options are either at the office or nearby.
Set your alarm to get up a little extra early the morning of. It will give you additional time to get in the proper mindset for your new adventure. Depending on your style, this may be an extra cup of coffee, a quick workout, or just some quiet time to reflect on your journey to get to this point. Whatever it is, the extra time will help stomp out those first day jitters.
The Drive…
The real fun starts on the drive to work. Put on your favorite motivational jam playlist and have a mini concert on road. Belt it out. If you don’t have a go to song, you can always listen to a motivational podcast or repeat some daily affirmations to help energize your commute. After you find your parking, before you get out of the car, take a few deep breaths. A couple deep breathing exercises help with those last-minute nerves. Now you’re ready to take those first steps into your next career journey.
Hi, my name is…
Now, you may be wondering, “What do I do once on the job to make a positive impression and nail it?”
Remember, it’s day one and you won’t know everything, and no one is expecting you to. You are in a state of introduction and learning. Keep your mind open to everything you encounter, not just on day one but always. Frequently pause to look around and see how your new colleagues interact with each other. You will start seeing the company culture in action. Take notes; these are fun to go back to after a year and see how much you’ve learned and grown. Lastly, and most importantly of all, don’t be afraid to ask questions. The best way to learn something is to ask about it. No question is silly on that first day.
Here are some good ones to start with:
What is our team’s main focus for the rest of this year?
- How do I locate my benefits?
- How often will we have 1:1 meetings to discuss performance and development?
- Who are my key stakeholders/clients? Are they aware of my start?
- When do I meet my peers?
- Where are the conference rooms?
- Where is the break room?
- Where’s the bathroom?
- Most importantly, where’s the COFFEE?! ?
Day one complete…
You made it. Day one is complete. At the end of the day, take some time to reflect on everything, who you met, what you learned, all that the day entailed. Review your notes and make sure anything you need to follow up on is marked, ready for you to tackle tomorrow. On the drive home, turn that car concert back on and celebrate the joys of the new job while giving yourself an opportunity to decompress. Work life balance is important, and that commute home is the perfect place to leave the workday at work. Rinse and repeat every day to keep the excitement of day one going.
By following these actions, you’ll be able to conquer day one of your new exciting career!
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